DeathGrip: Exit Laughing (NOW SHIPPING!!!)




This anthology contains a coauthored piece, "Time and Tide" (with reputed horror author, d.g.k. goldberg). Expected publication is March, 2006.

Cover art by Billy Tackett

DeathGrip: Exit Laughing
Stories that cross genre-lines, astonish, titillate, and elicit a guilty snicker. If you've ever giggled at a funeral, laughed aloud during a solemn prayer service, or cracked up at any madly inappropriate moment, Exit Laughing is the anthology for you!
Bizarrely side-splitting tales by some of today's most twisted authors!
Including On Becoming Immortal, an all-new story by William F. Nolan!
Also including stories by: d.g.k. goldberg & William D. Hicks, Jeff Strand, Steve Vernon, K. A. Corlett, Steven L. Shrewsbury, Maurice G. Broaddus, Jack Kincaid, Scott Nicholson, Randy Chandler, Edward M. Turner, Carl Hose, Dennis Latham, Kay Sexton, William Christopher, Terry Bramlett, Kevin Anderson, Dan Foley, Mark Zirbel, Robert N. Lee & John A. Burks, Jr. and more to come!
Complete Table of Contents HERE.

To order go to


Parenting Stubborn Children Posted By : Jennie Gandhi
Children analyze a situation in a typical way. In case they witness elders quarrelling or using a particular gesture then they immediately try to imitate the same. They also conceptualize that this is the way to go about a situation. Read more about parenting stubborn children.

Germs And Daycare Posted By : Jillian Smith
Germs are everywhere. And day care germs abound. They are too small to see but we know they are there. Children can spread germs without ever getting sick themselves. They can catch colds, ear infections, diarrhea and worse. More severe illnesses like chicken pox, impetigo and hepatitis are also spread by germs.

Preparing Your Daughter For A Competition Posted By : Jennie Gandhi
Daughters are always precious especially because they are sensitive. The biggest quality of being a girl is versatility. Ladies easily multitask from being a career person, doing household chores and also being a home maker. The important aspect is to nourish the well being of a daughter and helping her in becoming a well honed personality. Read this article and find out more.

One of my best pictures!

Hard to believe these were taken at the same party!!!


Photo ID Cards Can Protect Students And Children Posted By : Sher Matsen
Technology has changed a great deal in just a decade. What we used to have to rely on other businesses to do for us, can now be done efficiently, and cost effectively in-house. The printing of photo ID cards is one of those tasks. But photo ID cards have a place outside corporate America. Photo ID Cards can be used to protect students and children in a variety of ways.

Part of My Morning Ritual
This time I opt for the toothpaste that was NOT created by a famous artist—but STOLE his name (DaVinci—that’s why the Mona Lisa was NOT smiling—she used his toothpaste and ALL her teeth fell out.)—to make my teeth pearly white (it must have ACID in it to remove the plaque). Hope it works, it costs as much as a DaVinci painting (but I HOPE after using it, it’s NOT my Last Supper with teeth). While brushing this time, I pay special attention to my NOW bleeding gums and blood-coated tongue so my breath will not smell like a “Fresh” kill. Soon, I will have such white teeth and wonderful breath people will flock to date me (at least that's what all the TV commercials suggest). The reality is probably more like: vultures will flock above; expecting to eat my leftover kills or sharks will swim in a circle awaiting their chum.


NOT on Hiatus! me with comments about this site!!

Thanks for reading!


Have cafes gone to the dogs?
August 18, 2007
I just heard that dogs may soon be legal inside café’s in Chicago. But not cigarettes. How does that makes sense? I’d rather have a smoker who I can get away from, sitting across from me. A dog will chew on your shoes while drooling all over short-exposed legs—then hump your leg. And when you try to escape he will follow you and pee on you (marking you as “his” territory). Smokers will politely put out their cigarette (even though they are more addicted to then than crack addicts are to crack)—how polite can they be? A dog is not so polite—it will hump you—then depart without even giving you a goodbye kiss. Plus while humping you he will likely shed, bark and fart without even an apology.

Dogs (pets in general) are NOT children, as much as some people treat them as such. And smoking is an addiction (an addiction that pays for MANY important programs in Chicago—so important, that since they over-increased the cigarette tax and people have either quit smoking or left town to buy their cigarettes, Chicago now must put a tax on bottled water—finally a fair tax!). But dogs don’t get taxed just for being—or for being something their owner is addicted to—even though this is oftentimes the case. Yet dogs are okay at bars/cafes, and cigarettes are not. How does that make ANY sense?

And before you ASSUME I’m a smoker—I quit almost a year ago (and have some issues with the smell)…but I still feel smokers are the ONLY minority who it’s okay to be blatantly and openly bigoted about!!
