Nutrition for Babies and Infants Topic Center
Dr. Greenes Nutrition for Babies and Infants Topic Center provides articles with information on infant and baby nutrition, including breastfeeding, formula and starting solids.

The Therapy Directory
Therapy can provide a wide array of benefits and solutions. If you or someone else in your family needs someone to discuss their concerns with, the Therapist Finder will help point you in the right direction by providing you with information about licensed therapists in your area.

The Latest Attack on Wal-Mart
Would Jesus shop at Wal-Mart? That is the question posed by a pastor in Kentucky. Advertisements speaking out against the chain will appear this week. Given the questionable wages, policy to minimize the number of full-time employees, modest health care, along with the cap put on managers regarding the percentage of revenue that payroll can account for at each store are fueling this effort. It seems like it's never ending for Wal-Mart. But, then again, they do have the power to really address some of these issues.

It's interesting that religion is being tossed into this debate. Then again, many of the most religious areas--particularly rural ones--are strongholds for Wal-Mart. So perhaps it's fair that people ask themselves that question. People may want to look at the packaging to figure out where (and how) the products they are buying were made while at Wal-Mart. Of course, at this point, most everything is manufactured abroad. I don't think this will hurt Wal-Mart a great deal; if their intention was to hurt Wal-Mart's holiday sales, they are likely too late to create much of an impact.

But, for small businesses, it shows where Wal-Mart is vulnerable right now. Many small businesses provide solid income for families and in many cases their workers too. Many of these businesses make more socially conscious decisions. So, if you're in a small town facing a Wal-Mart, you can leverage this strength. It may cost a few dollars more for similar products, but perhaps your goods are better, as is your service, and your products may even be manufactured more ethically.


Two Sides Of The Coin Of Refinancing Posted By : David Mayer
The article asks when it makes sense to renegotiate the length of the repayment term on your mortgage or the amount of the monthly instalments. This may be because you have more disposable income now, or because an adjustable rate mortgage is about to increase the rate.

Could Starbury Shoes Change the Athletic Shoe Industry?
Steve and Barry's has unveiled Starbury shoes and clothing. Steve and Barry's is known for having a store full of products that go for under $10. Starbury--Stephon Marbury's line--will go at a "premium" of $10-$15. Now, here's what is neat about this story: not only is he promoting this line, he's actually going to wear this brand of shoes in the games. In fact, the president of the company said he's just going to pull a pair from a Steve and Barry's on gameday.

So, when he hits the courts and is performing as well as anyone with $15 shoes, it seems like it's bound to make a real statement. Will it really hurt Nike and the like? I doubt it, as kids will still crave products that are difficult to get. But, it'll make it easier for parents to show their kids that expensive shoes don't make the difference. And, from checking out some blogs online, people seem to be happy with how these shoes perform. Kudos to Marbury for backing up his endorsement by agreeing to wear these shoes in games.

I've always been impressed with Steve and Barry's. Considering the volume, stores seem to be maintained fairly well and the employees appear relatively happy. And, they've managed to undercut the big boys while providing quality that is certainly no worse than the discount stores provide. Given that everything is offshored anyways, I'll be happy if they succeed and get people to shift their other disposable dollars elsewhere. I just wonder if the big discounters feel threatened yet.

Infectious Diseases Topic Center
Dr. Greenes Infectious Diseases Topic Center provides information and tips on a variety of topics, including colds, flue, sars, antrax, rsv and more

Budget Your Own Payments With Balloon Mortgages Posted By : Devora Witts
If you are not on a fixed income and you want to purchase a home, probably balloon mortgages are the right loan type for you. These loans will require of you only small loan installments every month and a final lump sum payment at the end of the repayment program. Thus, you will be able to put aside every month a variable amount of money according to your income so you can finally afford the last payment.

New Retail Concepts
CNN published a list of hot retailers for 2007 and beyond. So, I thought I'd take a look at two of the concepts.

Teavana looks interesting, as they are hoping to carve out their own niche with tea, similar to what Starbucks has done with coffee. Tea is consumed at a much lower rate domestically versus many other nations. So, there appears to be potential there. With that said, it seems like it would be easy enough for Starbucks to move into this space. So, the question is, can they create a discerning enough group of tea drinkers? Time will tell.

Dream Dinners is another intriguing one. On one hand, time-strapped parents may appreciate a concept that allows them to prepare meals that are closer to "home cooked." On the other, it seems stuck between "to go" food that you can pick up at restaurants and frozen meals that are already available in grocery stores. In both cases, they require less preparation time. While it's an interesting concept, I have my doubts on how successful it'll ultimately be.

Prenatal Topic Center
A listing of prenatal health articles written to help answer prenatal questions.