Boxee’s App Development Challenge
To encourage both companies and individuals to add new content and features onto its platform, boxee launched app development challenge that will culminate with a boxee meetup in San Francisco on June 23rd. Here you have some details: The boxee dev challenge will have 3 categories: Video, Music and Photos. In each category we will have a [...]

AppLabs - Banking Software Testing Services, Banking Application Testing
AppLabs provides exclusive testing practices for the banking services domain with in-depth testing expertise in banking application testing services. Visit AppLabs for testing consultancy, Core Testing, Performance, Security Testing.

Boxee’s App Development Challenge – UPDATE
boxee published an update about its App Dev Challenge: see you at Mezzanine! - we were able to book Mezzanine in San Francisco as the venue for the event on June 23rd. following our meetup in Webster Hall in NYC, we thought we should find a similar place in San Francisco. how to build a boxee [...]

AppLabs - Retail Software Testing Services, Software Testing in Retail
AppLabs has built a comprehensive service portfolio of quality management and testing services to enable retailers. We become a key partner and trusted testing expert for many global ISVs in key domains.

Secessionist turmoil in Northeast Bharat (aka India) continues unabated
While some of the world’s attention in tuned into the Northwest part of South Asia, Northeast Asia is exploding in unprecendented violence. Bharat accuses China, Bangladesh, Butan, Sikkim, and Bangladesh for the secessionist movement in what is called the Seven sisters, but Martin McCauley clarifies the situation and describes the insurgency as indigenous and local. [...]

AppLabs - Software Testing Consultancy Services, Quality Assurance Consulting
AppLabs is an independent software testing and Quality Assurance services consulting firm designed to help companies optimize their IT business by focusing on quality management and software testing.

AppLabs - Financial Software Testing Services, Financial Services QA, Testing
AppLabs' extensive experience and in-depth understanding of the financial services industry helps in delivering quality Financial Services Software Testing, quality assurance testing services.