Pot Rack - You've Got to Have One of These Posted By : Barbara Tobiasz
I was in my local supermarket the other day shopping for food and things I needed to replace in my kitchen. I wasnt in the store more than five minutes when I ran into neighbors of mine in the produce section. It was John and Monica the retire couple who live in the corner house on my block.
Source: www.articlesphere.com

The Definition of Hypocrisy
President Bush's recent statements reek of desperation from a lame duck leader. This latest one is no exception:

''The Congress now sitting in Washington holds this philosophy, '' Bush said. ''Their majority was elected on a pledge of fiscal responsibility, but so far it is acting like a teenager with a new credit card. Source

Truly hilarious. Who is he to lecture anyone on fiscal responsibility? How is our deficit doing, and has it grown under his watch? Should he have cut taxes given the increased expenses incurred due to his actions? Oh, and how is our dollar fairing? Think there might be a connection? This isn't difficult.

Oh yes, I know, we're in a time of war. I'd accept that excuse if the stated reason for going to war was truthful. But, time has shaken that one out. It's entertaining watching him try to support the status quo on health care despite record increases during his time, and now he's posturing as a fiscal conservative.

Actions speak louder than words. Fiscal conservatism and this president don't belong in the same sentence.

Source: brettdalypolitics.blogspot.com

American Politics: A Return to the Center
The call for change was loud and clear yesterday. As expected, the House of Representatives was won by the Democrats. But, much more surprisingly, the Democrats have taken the Senate 51-49. It seemed like an unlikely scenario going in, but with Webb's victory just called (although a recount may be requested), almost everything went perfectly for the Democrats.

So, what does this mean? Iraq has obviously been a mess. With President Bush announcing Rumsfeld is stepping down--only a week after he said he'd remain--it's clear that they were disappointed with the results and feel Iraq is the problem. And, it is to a degree. But, as Senator McCain mentioned, the GOP's spending was an issue for their base too.

What's exciting in my opinion is this should signal a return to the center. Numerous policies that got away from our nation's founding principles should be remedied. Narrow issues that appeal to single-issue voters like abortion, gay marriage, and guns didn't carry the day--it came down to the big picture. Fear also didn't tilt the election, or perhaps it did in favor of the Democrats. People may be realizing that aggression abroad only makes this nation more vulnerable.

Luckily, I think both sides see the need to compromise and work together once again. The Republicans received a very sobering message loud and clear. Democrats, I believe, realize they won a lot of tight races and in some cases they benefited from massive failure by the other candidate (or, in many cases, failure of just their candidate's party). While President Bush's power has been reduced, the incentive for government to be productive has been boosted.

In my opinion, it was a great day for America. I believe it's rarely healthy to have Congress and the Executive Branch controlled by the same party. And, thankfully, that's no longer the case. Let's get back to sensible spending, international cooperation, moderate policy making, and less indirect special interest control of our politics.
Source: brettdalypolitics.blogspot.com

Water Heater Sediment, What Is It and What Should You Do About It? Posted By : William J. Lund
The sediment in the bottom of your water heater is any solid material that settles to the bottom. Its can be sand or other debris from your well or the water mains, or it can be minerals, (calcium carbonate), that precipitates out of the water at higher temperatures.
Source: www.articlesphere.com

Attention to Health Care from the Current Administration?
Yes, it's true. Suddenly, after the health care topic has been largely ignored during President Bush's tenure, it's receiving real attention. On Tuesday, the president will announce his plan for tax deductions to encourage those without health care to purchase it. It appears that those who share the costs at work will also qualify for this incentive.

Is this a major step? I'm not sure yet--we'll have to hear the details. The administration claims that 80% of those with employer-based plans will benefit in the end despite some plans being taxable under this proposal. But, I'll be interested in hearing the real breakdown.

Regardless of it, it's nice to see the topic getting attention. Anything that can boost the number of those with health care will boost our economy and our nation's health. Currently, many are discouraged from getting preventative care which is extremely costly in the long run. It's amazing how previously ignored topics suddenly gain traction when two parties have some power.
Source: brettdalypolitics.blogspot.com

GOP Election Tactics
As the election draws near, the GOP is beginning to look a little desperate. Their attempt to tie candidates to Nancy Pelosi seems like a surprisingly weak tactic. As much as I'd like to believe America is filled with people who know tons of officials, I suspect the odds of those they are trying to appeal to knowing much about her are slim to none. In Rochester, the GOP is sponsoring ads against two congressional candidates because they mentioned there might be a need to raise the social security age at some point. That's quite a change in stance given what the party was pumping for social security not that long ago. But, I suspect their tactics on social security will be far more effective than the Pelosi tactic. Then, of course, there is the beating of a dead horse on Kerry misreading his jab at Bush. It was an unfortunate mistake, but, let's be honest, President Bush has books on his slip ups. Plus, President Bush helped the Democrats that day by proclaiming Rumsfeld's job is safe for the next two years.

This leads me to ponder whether the GOP has lost some of its savvy when it comes to election strategy? While I'm not terribly impressed with what they're doing, I'm not sure the DNC is capitalizing on everything that it could be either. Additionally, even GOP supporters have to concede that they have a little less to work with this year. So, we'll see what unfolds during this final stretch run and then we'll have a concrete answer to this question.
Source: brettdalypolitics.blogspot.com

Our next vice president?
From a McCain adviser:

“She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone, ” said this McCain adviser, “she does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else. Also she is playing for her own future and sees herself as the next leader of the party. Remember: divas trust only unto themselves as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom.”
Source: CNN

Ouch! A little in-fighting among the McCain campaign. Of course, they find themselves down in the polls, and are resorting to the politics of fear instead of discussing the issues. But, unfortunately, such tactics that involve smears (and in many cases lies) can be effective, so I think counting them out is a mistake. I expect it to be close, but problems like this and Obama's fundraising edge puts him in a favorable position. It'll be an interesting final week and change.
Source: brettdalypolitics.blogspot.com

How to: Install Nero 7 on Vista and burn Cd on Vista
Windows Vista lacks proper Cd burning abilities with the built-in burner software included in Vista. Although this problem persists on all windows platforms, there are many alternative third party applications to burn a Cd/Dvd. One of the applications is Nero. But when installed on Windows Vista, it refuses to run ...
Source: newyorkdocumentscanning.info